Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hot summer moose!

Today I just want to touch on summer moose for a bit, this time of year when the days get hot and muggy, we as people take refuge in air conditioned cars, homes and work places or in and around water sources such as lakes, beaches and water parks in an effort to cool off from the hot summer sun. We are also able to shed clothing to cool ourselves off.
Moose on the other hand have a very rough time during the hot summer months. Unable to cool themselves by taking off layers of clothing or jump in front of an air conditioner. Moose can cool themselves in a number of ways including the majority of movement taking place at night usually after midnight till daybreak, this is when the air is the coolest. The daylight hours are way too hot to move around and they consume way too much valuable energy in the process which is why you can also find them in water bodies at night soaking up water and consuming plants growing in these waters.
For the most part during these hot days of summer, moose will find mud holes located in shaded damp areas of the forest or on the edges of marshes and roll in them until there body is covered by a thick layer of mud. This mud serves a couple purposes, such as protecting them from bugs and flies and also the mud is cool which helps them maintain a cooler body temp.

Swamp Donkey Adventures offers  several Guided Hunts and Tours for you to choose from, from a relaxing day on the water to a stealthy in your face Guided Moose hunt.
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