Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Scouting For Big Bull Moose and Big Bucks!

I have been hard at work scouting these past several weeks, looking high and looking low for some nice respectable animals for the upcoming deer and moose season. With Archery season starting up here in just a couple weeks, archery hunters are out and about setting their stands, marking trails to their stands and some even getting ready to bait their stand sites. It has been no different for me, I have placed several stands and have locations set for ground blinds for those places that wont allow a tree stand. I feel very confident in getting a nice deer for myself and those who wish to hire me. I have several shooters that have been caught on trail cameras, here are a couple of the better deer!

As for moose I have a few good bulls on camera and still have several other areas I have not put cameras as of yet but will do so in the next few weeks if all goes well and as planned. If you are not signed up for my blog as of yet make sure you do so.
If you know someone who has been drawn for this years moose lottery and is struggling to find the time or the moose in their WMU please let them know that I can help in WMU B, C2 and G.

Registered NH Moose Guide,  Fully Insured! "I can and I will find you your Moose"
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  1. Great pics Chet. Healthy lookin' critters!

  2. Yeah they are, very nice! I just hope I can see them when it counts!


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