Friday, September 2, 2011

NH Moose

I had a chance to go check and remove my trail camera this morning to move it to what looks to be another good location. I started this morning off at 5:30 am on a nice uphill hike to my camera which is located? Anyway, I arrived at my destinations half way point to notice a cow and her calf feeding on fresh hardwood shoots. I ended up watching these 2 for about a half hour before they slowly wandered into the woods, once out of sight I continued to my camera. Once I got near enough to see my camera I noticed it had been turned upside down, I immediately thought a person found it and was trying to be funny by messing with my camera. I had made my mind up prior to this to move the camera to a new destination. Upon returning to my truck I placed the camera in the truck removed the cf card and inserted it into my viewer, I had 240 pictures of cows and calves, most likely the 2 I watched earlier and a black bear cub that may or may not have helped mama in turning my camera upside. The pics are still not perfect, I rotated them so they are easier to see but still not level.

This bull calf could not seem to get close enough to my camera! 80 plus pictures of this calf moving his head back and 4th.

Notice all the time stamps are located in the bottom of each picture and upside down.

If you know someone who has been drawn for this years moose lottery and is struggling to find the time or the moose in their WMU please let them know that I can help in WMU B, C2 and G. I also Guide whitetail hunts on request.

Registered NH Moose Guide,  Fully Insured! "I can and I will find you your Moose"
Visit us at


  1. Cool pics Chet. That calf was curious for sure. What a camera hog! LOL

  2. Yeah just another moose


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